
Aquarius Dates to Note:

The first half of January will be quiet - take time for rest prior to January 15.

The solar eclipse of January 4 will bring a secret to light.

Heath matters glow in January. Start by working on ending a habit you know is bad for you.

Mars enters Aquarius on January 15 to February 23, heralding one of the most important periods for you in two years. Show leadership - others will follow the direction you choose.

Financially you will do well too, especially near January 4, when Jupiter and your ruler combine signs.

Venus will enter Sagittarius on January 7 and stay until February 4.

Once Jupiter enters Aries on January 22, you will begin to travel short differences quite a bit. A writing or speaking project or a sales position may have you busy in months to come.

Your most romantic dates this month include: January 1-2, 4, 6, 15-17, 22-23, 28, and 29.